Friday, June 30, 2017

FEPE Beats World — Episode 2: FAKE

Welcome to the second installment of FEPE Beats world. Enjoy!

—Ty Gorton

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Raising of the Wrench – 2017

With the emergence of FEPE the meme-think thorn-in-the-side of all things existing behind the wizard’s curtain of fake science, there also came THE WRENCH.

For those not aware: when engaging a chat session during a YouTube live stream, the moderators of the chat are signified by a blue wrench that appears next to their user name. Typically, a chat room will have only one or two moderators with wrenches and—in the context of most topics—that is a setup that gets the job done. However, flat earth is NOT most topics.

Before the rise of the Wrench Squad on Infinite Plane Society’s (IPS) channel, I tried on numerous occasions to engage flat earth chat sessions. They were always decidedly fruitless endeavors where at least 50% of the comments were coming from globie trolls OR those sad lot who are oddly obsessed with flat earthers despite their unwavering belief in a spinning ball. It was impossible to have any real discourse when so many comments were pathetic attacks and/or mockery of flat earth.

Nothing gets done when there is constant drama and negativity overwhelming the conversation.

So IPS began making everyone—after a very simple vetting process—moderators for his live stream sessions. This means that all participants in the chat are empowered moderators, fully wrenched and ready to clear away comments from those who are only interested in derailing forward momentum and wasting precious time. Essentially, anyone posting to an IPS live stream WITHOUT a wrench will get instantly deleted and banned; that’s the only way it can work effectively; wrench first and ask questions later.

Since everyone in the chat has a blue wrench, it also means everyone is capable of posting external links, something that has greatly increased productivity and the group’s ability to network/share content.

With the Wrench Squad methodology in place—most often headed up by the fastest wrench on the known plane, TOTO CULT—chat sessions went from being pointless, disjointed chatter to highly productive think-tank marathons. In other words, with the trolls, naysayers and thumpers pushed firmly aside… things started getting done. During an IPS live stream, ideas flow fast and furious… leading to an explosion of content creation and real world activism once the session has ended.

There is nothing quite like being in a chat room with 400 dedicated flat earthers all sharing their creativity, passion and, YES, humor. We have fun and we get things done… and all of this has been made possible by the Raising of the Wrench.

Does this process mean that some genuine flat earthers get wrenched (deleted/banned) from chat sessions? Absolutely.  IPS often states that, “It is better 10 innocent get wrenched than one troll be allowed to go free.” I agree. ONE motivated troll can completely derail an entire chat room, we have all experienced it.

If you are an authentic flat earther with a desire to be part of the Wrench Squad who has been banned from a chat,  all it requires (most often) is a direct email to IPS and the issue is quickly resolved. The bottom line: any flat earther sincerely motivated about working at the tip of the beak with the FEPE Wrench Squad will have no problem acquiring their wrench. If you are so sensitive that your feelings are indefinitely hurt after getting banned from a chat session for not having a wrench, odds are you won’t have much to offer at the tip of the beak.

Flat earth is under constant attack. If you openly and actively engage in flat earth activism, you WILL be attacked and mocked; grow a thick skin or find a different role to play. There are so many ways to engage flat earth, to spread the word and wake people from their scientism delusion. Being part of the Wrench Squad and working with the growing FEPE collective is just ONE, and it is not for everybody.

The Raising of the Wrench combined with the open invitation to creatively contribute any way I can has transitioned me from a spectator to an active participant in the flat earth push for an exponential awakening.  For me, the Wrench has become a beacon of efficiency. The mighty blue Wrench cuts through the noise so a proper dialogue can flourish… and, by extension, great things can and are being achieved. It has also become an innovative component in the FEPE meme-making arena, appearing as a powerful symbol of the unflappable mindset of those working at the tip of the beak.

May the Wrench be with you.

—Ty Gorton

Monday, June 26, 2017


The Master Meme Maker (MMM and/or 333, whichever makes you least comfortable) series will be featuring a FEPE meme maker whenever there is a creator pushing out concepts that are worthy of our special attention.

For our first spotlight, we’ll be taking a look at GORILLAmerica’s work.

Two that stand out as instant FEPE classics are a play on Kubrick’s unnerving two-movies-in-one war masterpiece ‘Full Metal Jacket’. Like all of Kubrick’s films, this thing has more layers than a Russian nesting doll on acid; perfect fodder for any creative individual with the will and a wrench.


The work on the iconic Vietnam War helmet is probably my favorite of GORILLAmerica’s to date. The FEPE pin, the blue wrenches in the band, the appropriation of the “I am in a world of shit…” quote… it is all tasty. Then we have the spirit level crotch brigade…. what can be said other than, “tip of the beak.”

GORILLAmerica is also producing a great comic book super hero themed series.


There is something fascinating about the concept of flat earth super heroes risking themselves to rescue others from a lifetime of blind faith in a heliocentric priesthood. The front line of ball pushers have clothed themselves in the garbs of science in order to pass off their cartoon globe as reality. It takes courage to stand against the tide of popular belief (especially scientism)… whether someone does it from behind the “mask” of online interaction OR out in the streets of public opinion, both are planting the seed of awareness in others. As most flat earthers know, there is a risk in proclaiming your flat earth awakening… it can alienate friends and family and otherwise make you a target online and in your personal life.

But this is changing.

It is changing because more flat earthers are stepping up to the plate and ensuring this topic becomes so common place in the public discourse that it is no longer taboo.

THANK YOU GORILLAmerica for your creative contribution, your memes are absolutely tip of the beak.

I will leave you with this inspired gem…

—Ty Gorton

P.S. —This creation by GORILLAmerica goes out to TOTO CULT, quickest wrench there ever was or will be on this flat earth:

Saturday, June 24, 2017

May the FEPE Be With You

Can one image change your life?

It is the type of question everyone has a different answer for.

But let me ask you this: has the image below changed your life?

Consider, for a moment, what the image at right truly represents to you as an individual. What do you think of the moment you see it?  How many different emotional buttons does it push? How many times a week do you think you see an image very similar to this one, represented in logos and advertisements and entertainment, etc.? 

The globe symbol, arguably, is the most powerful piece of iconography in our world today. It is universal and, by and large, agreed upon by every relevant nation of the known earth as a representation of reality.

The problem is… none of us can say if the earth as a ball iconography has “changed” our lives… because we have no recollection of our lives without it. From our earliest memories, the ball is present…. via children’s books and cartoons… and then in the classroom on an endless loop. By the time we reach adulthood, the ball earth model has been shown to us and validated thousands of times; so much so that it never really occurs to us to stop and actually ask if it is REAL.

Except some people DID stop and ask.

And their asking spread to others.

From that initial seed, tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people across the world are asking the same question: Is the earth flat?

One image CAN turn the tide.

It could be YOUR image.

There is no telling what the human mind will respond to… and for this reason, it is imperative that EVERY single flat earther produce content. It could be YOUR voice that resonates—your particular vision… that singular style which only you possess—that causes another human being to snap out of the delusion pseudo science has worked so very hard to charm them with.

Can a single image change your life?

Absolutely. Without question.

And the next flat earth image (or song, or poem, or letter, or sign...) YOU create could make the difference for someone else.

Participate. Create. And may the FEPE be with you.

—Ty Gorton

FEPE Meme Cream V1.0

The FEPE Meme Cream series will be bringing the best FEPE inspired memes and imagery I encounter. 

Here we go:

Chuck Norris

Wrenches Against the Machine

Dino Chicken


This is how I fidget spin

To Be Or Not To Be....

Mad Mike Hughes - Red Pills for Everyone

FEPE Washington

It's dead... whatever it was

R.I.P. PEPE the Frog

PEPE Wrecking Ball (instant classic)

More coming soon.

—Ty Gorton

The Birthing of FEPE & March of the Penguins

Welcome to Flat Earth People Everywhere (FEPE), aka “the tip of the beak”.

NOTE: For the first installment of the “FEPE BEATS WORLD” comic, scroll down to the bottom of this post or CLICK HERE.

For those of you already living life at the tip of the beak, no explanation is necessary. For everyone else, what follows is a concentrated break down of the emperor penguin phenomenon known as FEPE (as understood from my perspective). There are no doubt many details regarding FEPE’s emergence that I have not been privy to… which is part of its inherent power; many hundreds if not thousands of independent, unique individuals are constantly adding to the FEPE library every day.

FEPE popped into existence (original artist of the meme-think illustration is unknown, at least by me) as a direct counter-point to the alt-right mascot, PEPE the frog.  It utilized the same visual style but carried with it one, hyper-focused message: the earth is flat (or, perhaps more concisely, the earth is not a spinning ball). The YouTube channel Infinite Plane Society introduced FEPE during a live stream session… and invited everyone to participate in a tidal wave of meme creation.  IPS can often be heard referencing the “deep, soulful eyes” of FEPE, and looking into those giant eight balls of truth, it is difficult to deny that some incredibly sorrowful knowing exists in them. In each eye, three white dots, producing the infamous “33”, a number that gets 50% of the internet in hysterics on sight (more on intentional illuminati symbol appropriation tactics at a later date). The beak itself is a reference to Occam’s Razor—the simplest explanation most often being the correct one—and is sharpened to perfection for the purpose of puncturing the cartoon ball known as the globe and cutting through the faith-based dogma of scientism. Pay no heed to the crusty chocolate milk mustache... some aspects of FEPE are now and will forever be a mystery.

The Daily Plane website has the live stream birth of FEPE archived. You can view the first introduction of the mighty penguin here:

Incredibly, this birth took place only a few short weeks back on June 2. From then to now… thousands of FEPE memes, artworks and animations have been produced. The community of people responsible for this relentless onslaught are as diverse as they are creative… ranging across all age groups and socio-political backgrounds. Each individual brings a wholly unique perspective to their FEPE offerings.

Search #FEPE on twitter for a look at some of the tremendous meme creations being cranked out daily.

FEPE is loved. FEPE is hated. All creations with any amount of MOJO experience these two extremes. For many, Flat Earth People Everywhere represents a kind of “coming home” after months or even years of feeling isolated by their flat earth awakening. Via this meme-think penguin, people across the world have found each other and are free to express their flat earth (and other) passions not only unencumbered by judgment, but embraced by authentic encouragement and support.  For others, FEPE represents some kind of hostile take-over of the flat earth topic… something that may turn people away or frighten them with its very intentional nods to occult numerology/fear porn.

It really makes no difference which side of the fence you are on. FEPE is here to stay, and FEPE has but one goal at the tip of the beak: bring the RESEARCH FLAT EARTH message to every single human being alive. Anything that distracts from this mission is NOT tip of the beak… which does not mean it is unimportant; only that work at the tip of the beak cannot allow itself to be deterred from spreading the flat earth truth as far and as wide as possible. FEPE is unflappable.

This blog will be bringing you the best of FEPE I encounter every week, as well as philosophical and/or comedic meanderings from the tip of the beak.  It will also be home to a new comic entitled “FEPE BEATS WORLD”, the first installment of which can be viewed below.

Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the comic!

—Ty Gorton